I wanted to write this blog just quickly here and just talk about gratitude. And talk about, obviously, as you guys know from my past videos, that I talk about this subject over and over again, because I truly believe in order to have true fulfillment in our lives is to have a practice of gratitude. And that is actually living with gratitude, and having gratitude just be such a main focal point in our lives, including my life as well. And God forbid, I’m not perfect by any means. I definitely get off track. I get frustrated. I get angry, and I get sad in a negative way sometimes. So obviously I’m here to say that I’m not perfect, but at the same time, obviously I know that in order to have that life, in order to have that fulfilled life of joy and understanding the roller coaster of life, the ups and downs, we have to have a practice of gratitude.
Because gratitude is one of the most powerful, powerful rituals, one of the most powerful practices, daily habits that you could truly bring in your life every day. And it is so easy to acquire once you kind of have an understanding of what gratitude is and what gratitude truly means from the inside of your heart and your soul and your mind. And truly, if you feel it inside and then it comes out, and then it truly filters out in every way, every direction, everybody you interact with in life, everything that you do in your life, whether it’s even you in your job or basically in your other habits in your life, whether you spend time with your friends, spend time with your wife or husband or whatever, significant other, that gratitude is just very contagious.
It’s something that creates so much joy in every area of our lives. And it truly is a magical, magical thing if we can just harness it in ourself and we can anchor it into ourselves, to be grateful for pretty much every area of our lives. And everything in our lives that we have, we come across, and understanding that life is always happening for us and not to us, because basically our lives come down to meaning and the meaning that we truly give our lives. It’s not the event in our lives that shape us. It’s the meaning we give to the event that truly shapes us. Whether we decide to become victims of it or whether we decide to take that and take our lives to the next level and get to the other side of what we truly want and we truly desire in our lives.
And I shoot this now during a time where there’s nothing but fear in our society right now. Fear not only here in the United States, but fear in the world right now due to the Coronavirus epidemic and how it’s just truly effected our lives in every area. I’m talking about big events being canceled, workplaces shutting down, schools closing, and basically markets collapsing all over the world. It’s a scary time and it not only affects our economy, it affects our wellbeing. And actually my wife has very close relatives in China right now, and right now they cannot leave their houses. I mean they are stuck inside their houses until the end of April.
So it is a pretty scary thing. But it’s also understanding that things like this are always going to happen in our lives, and so it’s easy to kind of fall into that trap and get hooked on what the media is telling us and to create a certain amount of fear in our lives on an everyday basis. And to walk around with that fear and that anxiety that I’m going to get hit with this epidemic or whatever. I’m going to get hit with the Coronavirus. I’m going to get compiled exposed to it. And you know, I’m going to change my life. I’m not going to do this. I’m not going to be as forthcoming as I am. I’m going to have to be more cautious. I’m going to have to be a little bit more fearful.
And that’s something, I highly discourage from, is truly living with that sense of fear, because I think just like anything else, a farmer has to prepare their fields for rain. The farmer has to prepare their fields for sun, just like we have to prepare ourselves for anything that comes through for us, whether it’s a recession, whether it’s something like this, the Coronavirus. Yes, protect ourselves, no question about it. Get masks, get hand sanitizers, make sure you wash your hands. Of course. That truly is, you need to prepare for things.
Yeah, there is something happening, but we can’t see it worse than it is. And that’s the problem I think many of us are doing. We’re kind of influenced by the media quite a bit, because like I said, the media is a business. It’s not here just to inform us. It’s here to shock us as well. And it’s here to make sure we live in fear and to click on that link, turn that channel so we can watch them. There’s so many media outlets competing against each other. And unfortunately what’s happening is we’re creating a situation, making it worse than it is instead of makes seen as it is.
And then the next thing we need to do, and it’s definitely not make it worse than it is, we need to see it better than it is. And we need to see the opportunities that can arise of this. What is the meaning? What is the true meaning that’s happening here and how can we make it better? What can we do? What can I do to help? What can we do to help this situation along? How can we make things better? We can grow from this and create such an empower meaning for everyone, and make this world a better place.
And that’s truly what I’m focusing on and truly understanding what really is happening so that I can help to make it better and I can be the solution to the problems. And I think that’s really truly what the true meaning is in this situation.
In everything in our lives, we have control of the meaning and we have control what it means to us, and truly brings us back to a state of gratitude. Because regardless, this is one thing that’s going on. There’s so many great things, other great things that are going on in this world that we don’t know about, such as babies being born, people falling love with each other. New friendships of being made right now and new connections of being made right now. Somebody’s coming up with a great business idea or a great entrepreneurial idea that’s going to add value to all of us. It’s going to help all of us. And those are the things that are happening right now. And these are things that truly, I’m focusing on and I truly know it’s happening. And it’s getting us to the next level of our lives, and it’s helping us grow.
And that’s how I truly feel, and I’m so grateful that I’ve got a practice of gratitude. It happened about nine years ago and I really haven’t looked back. I truly haven’t. Yeah, there’ve been mistakes, there’ve been downtimes, but truly to live your life completely, totally blessed and totally grateful is something I truly believe everyone should have this practice. And truly create it, write it down, create a journal on it. But truly keep it in your heart, keep it your soul, keep it in your mind throughout the day and you’ll find that people are going to react differently to you in a positive way, of course. And that things are going to become much easier for you to be able to handle, to be able to manage. And you’re going to feel so much more motivated to fulfill your dreams and make your life happen.
So I truly, truly hope this message resonates with all of you and I look forward to you guys talking to you in the next video. Thank you for watching. Bye bye.