I get asked many times on how come I spend my time off from work attending seminars. My answer is always to grow, contribute, and to take my life to the next level.
Here are the benefits of attending seminars and mastermind events:
- Creates a safe place.
- Gain Momentum.
- Expands your life. Takes your life to the next level.
- Never done learning.
- Connection.
For creating a safe place, we have the opportunity to open up our well. It allows us to go deep within ourselves to open up. We open up to others at the seminar. We discover who we actually are. We do not change. We become ourselves, and a seminar allows us to do this more than any other place and environment.
Momentum is also acquired where we get revitalized and energized to go out to world and continue take action and stretch ourselves.
Expanding our life also results from attending seminars. Prior to my first Tony Robbins seminar, I was a struggling employee and had not had a relationship in 18 months. After attending the event, I was named employee of the month and promoted twice within a year. I also met someone within a month after Tony’s event.
Also we never stop learning. Life is always moving forward and we need to move forward with life. We have seen too many examples of where many have not anticipated nor move forward like: Sears, My Space, and AOL.
Lastly attending seminars creates connection. Many call it building a network, and I believe that does occur. However, I believe it goes deeper than that. We share deep and personal items with each during events. As a result, we build lasting friendships as well as attendees meet their future husbands and wives. Also, many create peer groups and mastermind groups at the events as well.
I will leave with a quote from Warren Buffet:
“Invest in yourself as much as you can. You are the biggest asset by far.”