The Number One Enemy Of Fulfillment!

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The quality of our life is the quality of our emotions.  I truly believe that the purpose of life is to be fulfilled which means to live with joy, love, passion, and play full out.  Unfortunately, there are also many emotions and actions that prevent us from being fulfilled.  It is very easy to fall in the trap such as anger, constant sadness, stress, and frustration.  These emotions will cause us to suffer, and suffering is the opposite of fulfillment.

Yet, I believe the biggest enemy of fulfillment is the easiest to catch.  The number enemy of fulfillment is complacency.  It is the number one enemy because complacency sneaks into our sub conscious mind and sticks to it.  Most of us are neither fulfilled nor depressed or at rock bottom that will motivate us to change.  Our lives are comfortable.  We sometimes feel the joy.  However, we don’t feel it consistent enough.  We also don’t feel the constant sadness and anger or at a deep level that will get as to take action.

So how do we avoid getting complacent, so we can live a rich and fulfilled life?  I believe there are four ways to avoid complacency.

Here are the four actions we need to do in order to avoid complacency:

  1. Constantly mix routines up.  This might sound a little simplistic.  However, breaking small routines will wake the conscious mind.  Change the way you commute to work.  Change up your routines like brushing your teeth.  Brush your teeth with the opposite hand.
  2. Tell your accountability buddy what is keeping your complacent and what actions and activities did you do to take you out of your comfort zone.  (daily or weekly)  I would recommend daily if you are stating out.
  3. Keep remind of yourself of the short time window.   Life is short and sometimes we are quick to forget it.
  4. Constantly remind yourself of what is your why.  It is not a how problem.  It is a why problem.   What is your why?  Always carry your “why” with you constantly.