Today I want to talk about the power of a mission statement. For those that do not know what a mission statement is, it is a sentence or phrase that defines your life and who you are. It is what your life is about, why you are, and your identity.
Creating a mission statement is very powerful and very simple. It is a phrase or sentence which of course is your purpose in life. Here are some guidelines to creating a mission statement as well as my own personal mission statement.
Your mission statement must have the following:
- Be stated in the positive
- Have “Be” and “Do” statements
- Include yourself and others
- Experience and live it everyday
- Be brief (only a sentence or phrase long)
- Eliminate Universals
- Use emotion “charged” words.
- Gives you goosebumps, energy, and joy.
My mission statement is: I Jamie Sierra see, hear, feel, and know that the purpose of my life is to serve God by being joyful, outrageous, passionate, and love and inspire others to fulfill their dreams.