2018 was a great year for me personally. As with any other year, I had my highs and my lows. There were some great experiences and goals that I did reach. However, there were opportunities that I can improve in 2019.
2018 was the first year that I actually written down my goals and declared them publicly. I am happy that I reached a few of them. However, there was some valuable lessons. One of the lessons that I learned is to build a foundation and bring it up slowly at first. Last year, I set too many goals. As a result, I got overwhelmed and frustrated. I realized that when it comes to goal setting, we cannot go from 0 to 120 miles per hour in 2 seconds.
This year I am setting more short term goals and fewer of them. Thus, I can focus on a couple of them while I gain momentum. I can then take on more goals and missions once I build momentum. For the first part of January, I will focus on my health and time management. I am not even going to focus on my business, emotions, and other areas. I feel that my health is a priority and being able to manage my time will enable me to be able to prioritize on the other areas of my life.
I will re-evaluate my goals at the end of January and make any readjustments. Once the first quarter ends, I will make some goal changes for the remainder of the year because my yearly goals are not fixed. They are flexible. For example, I set a goal of making only 40 YouTube videos. Yet, I know that I will likely make more than 40. I want to make this goal achievable then stretch it out once I know I have the habit to be able to create more videos. In other words, I am building a habit muscle to be more productive.
Here are my goals for 2019:
Health and Fitness Goals
To be 180 pounds by 2/15/19. Currently at 195 pounds.
To work out a total 4 times/week in January including tennis. Thus, I will go to the gym 2-3 times/week. Deadline
January 31st.
Time Goals
To plan my day the latest the night before.
Use the Apple Calendar on a daily basis, so I can structure business time, block out workout, blockout listening to education videos, read books, relationship time, etc.
Relationship Goals
To easily create magic moments with Carmen at least once/week. We will block an hour once/week check in with each other to make sure we are meeting our needs. We also commit to having quality time just the two of us with no distractions. We will either spend time alone or have a date night.
I will visit a family member at two times/month
Spiritual/Contribution Goals
I will easily spend two times/week meditating and spending time alone thanking my creator. Start mid February 2019.
I will easily write love letters anonymously and hand out to strangers. It will be my second year I accomplish this. Target April 2019
I will easily read 10 pages biweekly of “A Course In Miracles”. Start March 2019.
I will easily donate $1,000 to different charities and organizations. March 2019 to begin
Education Goals:
I will easily attend one seminar this year which will be the Traffic and Conversion Summit late February in San Diego.
I will invest in Blinkist to read one book summary biweekly start in May 2019.
I will complete a Udemny public speaking class by June 2018 (start in Mid May).
I will easily complete Dan Lok’s HTC course by April 2019.
Business Goals:
I will easily have my book available by the end of January 2019. I will have a free promotion via Kindle in February 2019.
I will produce one video/week and 40 for the year. Starting in Mid January.
I will easily have 30 blog posts on Mission Fulfillment for 2019.
I will easily create a squeeze page for Mission Fulfillment by December 2019.
I will easily pursue advertising to reach more people in the spring of 2019.
Fun Goals
I will easily socialize with friends at two times/month.
I will easily go on one vacation with Carmen in 2019. Prospects are Singapore and Peru.
I will easily attend one tennis tournament in 2019 (most likely Miami Open late March).
Watch the video below: